​The Juniper Co. team away day: a moment of inspiration, connection, and creativity in Oxford

By: Alison Coleman, 17 September 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News

At The Juniper Co., we believe that the heart of our success lies in the people behind the work – our team. While we are always focused on delivering high-quality results to our clients, we also understand that great work is fuelled by great relationships, fresh inspiration, and time spent away from the office to recharge. That’s why our recent team away day to Oxford was such a valuable experience. It wasn’t just about stepping away from the day-to-day responsibilities, but about connecting with each other on a deeper level, sharing ideas for the future, and, of course, having some well-deserved downtime together.

The importance of quality time together

Our time in Oxford wasn’t just a break – it was an investment in one of our most important resources: our team. In our busy work schedules, we rarely get the chance to truly pause and spend time with each other outside the confines of projects and deadlines. The day was a perfect opportunity to do just that.

From the moment we arrived, it was clear this was going to be a day to focus on getting to know one another better, strengthening our working relationships, and celebrating the team we’ve built. Whether we were exploring the stunning streets of Oxford, rowing down the river, or simply chatting over coffee, every moment allowed us to connect in ways that would translate to more meaningful collaboration back at our desks.

Sharing ideas and inspiration for the future

The creative energy of Oxford, with its rich history of academia and innovation, resonated with us all. As we wandered through its iconic spires and beautiful architecture, conversations naturally flowed about where The Juniper Co. is heading, and what our collective vision for the future could look like.

We hired some office space for the morning with a magnificent view of the town’s skyline. The change of environment fostered creativity and sparked discussions about new approaches and ways we can continue to innovate for our clients. It was a good reminder that sometimes the best ideas are born outside of the usual work routine, when we’re given the freedom to think more expansively.

Time to unwind, have fun, and reconnect

But an away day isn’t just about work, and we made sure to balance the brainstorming with some well-deserved downtime. After all, having fun and letting our hair down is just as important for team bonding as any formal team-building exercise! From light-hearted conversations to shared laughs during our explorations, it was refreshing to see everyone unwind and enjoy the lighter side of the day.

Afternoon tea: a taste of tradition and togetherness

Of course, no trip to Oxford would be complete without indulging in one of Britain’s finest traditions – a delicious afternoon tea. Gathered around the table, we enjoyed beautifully crafted sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, and a delightful array of cakes and pastries. There’s something special about sharing food together; it creates a sense of community and brings people closer.

The afternoon tea was a perfect way to round off the day, with everyone feeling relaxed, content, and a little more connected. It was a chance to simply enjoy each other’s company, reflect on the day’s experiences, and share in the joy of good food and great conversation.

The power of time spent together

As we left Oxford, the value of our time spent together was clear. Days like this remind us that The Juniper Co. is more than just a business – it’s a team of people who care about each other, who thrive on collaboration, and who are motivated by shared experiences. Our time away wasn’t just about recharging, but about reaffirming the bonds that make us a stronger, more cohesive team.

Taking time out for an away day isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s essential for fostering the kind of relationships and creative thinking that drive a company forward. Whether it’s creating new ideas, enjoying downtime together, or simply sharing a meal, these moments of connection are what fuel our work and keep us inspired for the future. Here’s to more days like this, and to the continued success of our team :).