Maintaining motivation: six steps to keeping your goals alive

By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 7 February 2018 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth

Many of us start the year by stating that we are determined to make this year our most successful year yet. However, we all have days when we are just not “feeling it” and lose our motivation. When this happens, it’s important to find a way to keep going. To avoid coming to a halt and not knowing in which direction to turn, here are six points to consider when your motivational levels are feeling low:

1.Why are you doing what you are doing?

Everyone faces situations that seem impossible or un-achievable. At these times we need to remind ourselves “why am I doing this?”. Reflecting on why you are completing difficult tasks will remind you of your purpose and what you’re working towards.

2.Break down goals into manageable tasks

Focus on the end result instead of fearing starting the process. By breaking up tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks, it is easier to see the likelihood of completing your goals. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and assume that you won’t get it all done However, if you take each task step by step, you could end up surprising yourself.

3.Think positive

Reward yourself for achieving each small step towards your overall goal. This can help maintain your motivation and allow you to picture the end result more successfully - the more positive you are, the more likely you will want to succeed in this task.

4.Stay in the zone

Create an environment that will help you thrive. Remind yourself that the smaller tasks have as great a purpose as the larger tasks. Just because one piece of work may take less time or thought does not mean it is less important than any other.

5.Tackle procrastination

Stop making excuses and delaying tasks - it will only leave you with less time to figure out your next move. Why not prioritise an hour of your day to focus solely on your approach to the task at hand? Starting is the hardest part, so take the time to do it properly.

6.Devise a plan to avoid distractions and interruptions.

Consider the goals and expectations that you want to achieve and then form realistic time frames to work towards. A structured schedule allows you to lose time on potential distractions or interruptions without it interfering with your goal expectations, too greatly.

Have you set goals for 2018? Now we’re 40 days in, why not take a moment to reflect on your progress? How are you doing? If you’re struggling, why not apply these six steps to your goals for the next six months and see what difference they can make. Remember, motivation must be behind everything we do to ensure we are the best we can be. Learn from your mistakes (and don’t punish yourself for making them), break habits and try new ways to maintain your motivation throughout the near future.

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash