
By: The Juniper Team, 23 June 2022 Categories: Team News

The Juniper team has recently been reflecting on milestones and what 2022 means for each of us with respect to our personal and professional goal-setting and achievements. We hope we may inspire you to set yourself targets, and realise what you have already achieved this year and importantly, remember to celebrate your wins!


Professional - a long-awaited return to face-to-face programme delivery has allowed me to remember how much enjoyment and value there is in connecting with participants in a non-virtual context. We’re embracing hybrid working, making it work as best we can for everyone.

Personal - 2022 sees the transition from primary to secondary school for my daughter. As a family we have spent 7 happy years making friends and exploring life together. Whilst we reflect upon and celebrate this milestone, we look forward to discovering what life promises each of us over the next 7 years.


Professional – This year I have taken the massive leap to start in an industry I have no experience in. So far, I’m learning to slow down, to think before I step. But, to also trust that with all of my experience in my other jobs, I can translate some of that into what I’m doing now.

Personal – I have tasked myself to prioritise my wellbeing this year. Whether that’s dipping my toe in the waters of meditation, or pushing myself with a new yoga pose, every day I have to do something to better myself and to say ‘In this moment, I put myself first.’


Professional - I’d love to fully embrace the new tools the Juniper team has given me to forge a clear pathway and become a successful account manager.

Personal - this year I’d really love to get back into running; I completed a half marathon in 2019 but this year I seem to have lost my rhythm with running. I would like to set myself a goal of completing a 10k before the end of 2022.


Professional – On reflection, what I enjoy most about our work is interacting in the moment with others: observing, listening, sometimes challenging, but always looking to help them grow.

A key milestone for me this year has been to bring on board not one, but two new Juniper team members who are already adding so much, with their different skill sets and ideas. I am looking forward to supporting Emily and Ava in their development journey over the coming months.

Personal – I love all the seasons. I have recently reflected on what I enjoy most about the first few weeks of early summer - the days are long and warm; my garden is full of scent and colour and we can sit outside in the evenings to soak it all up. This year, I am taking advantage of the long June days to get back to our beloved Cornwall and to walk some more of the Coastal Path, which is my happy place and one of my goals to complete.