Starting a New Job is Never Easy

By: Ava Barker, 20 May 2022 Categories: Team News

Starting a new job is never easy. Especially when it’s in an industry you’ve not had any involvement in before. That’s not to say it isn’t exciting! I know that for me, challenges can bring some anxiety, but facing them head-on and embracing these new experiences has already been very rewarding.

Doubting our own abilities can sometimes be a default when we’re thrown into the deep end.

Luckily for me, I was greeted with such warmth and support from my team. Nicki, Emily and Cathy have already made me feel like such an integrated and important part of Juniper. It can be difficult when starting a new role to pinpoint where your strengths and weaknesses are, and often when you’re tasked with something new, it’s easy to throw your hands up and say ‘I just don’t know how!’

Thankfully, I’ve been given lots of guidance and encouragement that I can only try my best and improve from there. The support from my colleagues has given me so much confidence in myself to try my best and learn from my experiences. It’s safe to say I’m feeling very positive for my new role and am so excited to learn from others, and to develop my skills.

I may not be an expert just yet, but I am thrilled to be a part of Juniper and to see where this journey will take me... watch this space!