Why I love facilitation

By: Nicki Kavanagh, 23 September 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth

Celebrating International Facilitation Week – 23-29 September 2024

Facilitation Week is a global celebration of the power of facilitation in bringing people together and fostering collaboration. It's a time to recognise the unique role facilitation plays in helping teams and individuals achieve their best outcomes through conversation, exploration, and shared learning. To mark the occasion, we asked our Managing Director, Nicki Kavanagh, to share some thoughts on what facilitation means to her…

When I founded The Juniper Co., our focus was often on what then was referred to as "training." Training is essential for transferring knowledge and developing skills, whether it's mastering an application or improving interpersonal abilities like conflict resolution and negotiation. But over the years, I discovered that facilitation goes beyond traditional training – it’s more about engaging others, drawing out their insights, and learning from everyone in the room.

The art of listening and asking questions
Facilitation, to me, is about creating a space where everyone’s voice can be heard, and where real learning happens through interaction. I find it exciting to guide a room where knowledge, perspectives, and experiences come together to create something bigger than any one person’s contribution. It’s not about a single expert, but rather a collective exchange where everyone learns from each other.

Facilitation is closely connected to curiosity and active listening. The most rewarding moments come when I ask questions with the intent to understand, without any judgment. Stephen Covey’s idea of "seeking first to understand" has always resonated with me. When people feel truly heard, they tend to open up and engage more. It’s amazing to see that transformation when someone realises they’re understood, and I view it as a powerful way to build trust and strengthen relationships, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

Facilitation in action
Facilitation isn’t just something I do in workshops or with clients – it’s also an integral part of leading my own team. Whether it’s guiding discussions or helping to foster new ideas, facilitation helps us grow together and achieve more. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and can contribute to the conversation. For me, this is why facilitation is such a vital part of leadership. It’s not about standing in front of the group, but leading from within – helping the group find its own way forward.

What I love most about facilitation is that it’s always evolving. You never stop learning how to be a better facilitator, and every conversation offers a new opportunity to practise and grow. It’s a journey of curiosity, active listening, and deep connection – and that’s why I love it so much.

Happy Facilitation Week!